The summer months in Europe this year were exceptionally hot… Northern countries, unaccus-tomed to such high temperatures witnessed their warmest weather ever! And yet, nothing is more important to us than the sunshine... life is linked to the sun. When Peter Vigne talks to us about the “Sun” he also insists that it is indispensable for our life! So then, be it summer or autumn, it’s...
The focus for these two months is on Blessed Peter Vigne. We will attempt to rediscover all the riches both human and spiritual hidden behind his pleasant and simple demeanour. Let us welcome the witness of his life and be challenged by it. Full screen viewing
The feasts we celebrate during these months invite us to deeper joy, courage, wonder and mission. We celebrate and share the Light of faith with our brothers and sisters in Christ: The Ascension, Pentecost, and the Holy Trinity, followed by Corpus Christi, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and on May 31 we recall Mary’s Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. To support...
The feasts we celebrate during these months invite us to deeper joy, courage, wonder and mission. We celebrate and share the Light of faith with our brothers and sisters in Christ: The Ascension, Pentecost, and the Holy Trinity, followed by Corpus Christi, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and on May 31 we recall Mary’s Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. To support our momentum we...