Lent and Paschaltide are the two liturgical seasons that fall within these two months. The read-ing from Peter Vigne might indeed surprise us! Who would have thought that we could “steal” something from God? Father Vigne’s meditation invites us to think about it…with Christ carrying his CROSS …..and to sing ALLELUIA with paschal joy on EASTER SUNDAY. Full screen viewing
As an introduction to this year, we reflect on a short passage from Peter Vigne. The text reminds us how easy it is to give up, to rely on habit and routine, not necessarily creative and life giving! To begin the year more "awake" and to start each day as a new beginning, might indeed be a good resolution. There are twelve months ahead of us so let us be attentive and determined like the...
For these last two months of the year, Peter Vigne wants us to live with confidence… to journey with Hope in our hearts… like the Saints we celebrate during the month of November… and our deceased loved ones whom we hon-our and remember. In December we continue the journey in hopeful expecta-tion, through ADVENT towards Christmas and the Good News that: “God loves each one of us...
In the face of horrific events caused by those intent on sowing death and destruction everywhere, Peter Vigne encourages us to sow the seeds of goodness day after day. We must not lose a minute of the precious time given to us: it must blossom and bear fruit where we are. Whether it’s a delicious eye-catching fruit or an ordinary humble one, what matters most is, it gives “LIFE”....