Depending on the country, this year we will celebrate “Corpus Christi”, the FEAST OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST, the FEAST OF THE EUCHARISTIC PRESENCE, on Thursday June 15 or the following Sunday June 18. Peter Vigne reminds us that every year this Feast recalls the reality of this daily Presence in our lives and the importance of our “encounters” with Jesus in the Eucharist....
The month of April this year is a “Holy” month: with Palm Sunday we enter into Holy Week….accompanying Christ on his journey to the Cross and the Resurrection. With Mary, in the month of May, we welcome the Good News of the apparitions of the Risen Christ. The Calvary journey which Blessed Peter Vigne established in Boucieu le Roi invites us to follow the painful path of the...
It is the temperature of the “heart” that matters most as we go through these two months. March is the month in which the majority of Lent falls, but the feasts of Our Lady in February and March are an occasion to read Peter Vigne’s beautiful dedica-tion text, offering his book to “The Incomparable Virgin”. She guides and inspires him, he admires her, she is the “blessed and...
Here we are again in December and ADVENT has arrived! Already department stores are decked with Christmas lights and decorations and there is a huge increase in Internet sales of Christmas gifts with “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” now added to the “shopping days to Christmas”! And yet, so often, this big spend leaves a trail of troubles and misery in its wake. A commercial...