Once again the feasts in our liturgical calendar for these two months point us to a deeper under-standing of our Christian life. We are invited to hold high the Light of Easter and the ardent flame of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. At the table of our humble “Emmaus” let us rediscover the Presence of the Risen One who shares his Bread with us, -his Eucharist- to give us...
March and April were very busy months indeed for Peter Vigne. As a missionary he was in great demand so popular were his missions. Many parishes wanted to renew and actively support and strengthen Christians in the true faith. Isn’t that what is still needed today? Why not slip into a Church near you and hear once more Fr.Vigne’s humble yet firm voice resound as he speaks...
The text of Blessed Peter Vigne expresses his “wishes” for each one of us. May each day of the New Year be a GOOD DAY, guided and directed towards the Love of God, and there-fore towards the GOOD of those who are close to us.
The final 2 months of the year: Peter Vigne wants us to experience them with confidence and to walk with Hope in our hearts. Just like the Saints we celebrate and the deceased we call to mind. Next comes a time of Waiting…..ADVENT….as we continue on our journey towards Christmas! He also reminds us that this journey has real meaning only with GOD at the centre, at the...