In Europe a new school year begins whereas other continents are getting ready for the end of year exams. The attached text is taken from the chapter on education of young people. Without a doubt Peter Vigne would insist on its importance and urgency to-day, for the good of young people and for society in general! One could also “extend” this en-couragement to people of any...
This leaflet covers the months of July-August…months we associate with holidays, rest, travel, tourism, and pilgrimages. It’s also a time to give the soul a much deserved vacation too. This year the months are marked by World Youth Day which takes place in Lisbon. Here, in the Portuguese capital Pope Francis will meet young people from all over the world and we...
The months of May and June– which include the "month of MARY", the cele-bration of Pentecost, Corpus Christi, Feast of the EUCHARIST, and the Sacred Heart - invite us to seek an ever deeper relationship of faith with Jesus Christ. Blessed Peter Vigne invites us to pray and to courageously live the Gospel.
Lent is already here! During this time we walk with Christ on his Way to Calvary. We may find it hard to focus on the journey with so many “things” demanding our attention which often leave us feeling empty and confused! Peter Vigne comes to reawaken our FAITH …and celebrate at Easter the victory of Christ’s love over the power of Evil. A Holy season of Lent and a...