“Science without the voice of the spirit is useless” Peter Vigne says. In many countries, September and October are months that mark the beginning of the new academic year. That’s fine and good but without forgetting “the voice of the spirit”, without relegating God to the margins, and without wanting to divest the person of this essential dimension! Two...
During these beautiful months we will celebrate two very special feasts welcoming their mes-sage of hope and light: August 6 the Transfiguration, August 15 the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary... including of course July 8, the feast of Blessed Peter Vigne...as well as the anniversary of his birth August 20 and his baptism August 24....
May is the month of Mary, the beautiful “Queen of the May” who points us to her Son and his Eucharistic Presence which will be celebrated more solemnly in June. At Pentecost we will welcome the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit so very necessary for daily life…...and which we long to see accepted in all divided, violent and war-torn societies. … Peter...
At the beginning of Lent the road to the great feast of the Resurrection, Christ’s Paschal Mystery, stretched out before us...and then a terrible war reminded us of the urgency of conversion and the rejection of all that is evil and the one who is ever ready to sow evil and division: the Evil one, the Enemy, the Demon. Not only that….but also we must nourish...