HOPE, the colour of your light Risen Jesus, comes to visit us in our homes now in lock down to prevent the spread of an invasive and threatening evil which has al-ready knocked on so many doors! It has ruptured links and broken many hearts by the cruel deaths of loved ones, cut off from family and friends without the possibility of a final farewell.
These two months bookmark Lent and Easter which help us deal with the countless experiences and events of everyday life, sometimes happy and sometimes difficult, where the uncertainty of tomorrow is tinged with illness, loneliness and the final departure of those who shared our time and our projects. The Paschal Mystery is a mystery of death and...
Happy New Year 2020…may it be a year full of goodness and beauty for each one of you, for family, friends and readers….for the entire world! The year always begins “bathed in the radi-ance of Christmas”. From a “Manger” comes Light and Life. This is what the Christmas story is really about but is often forgotten or airbrushed from the festive season which goes...
The Saints of old, those canonized and those whom Pope Francis calls “the saints next door” knew how to place prayer at the heart of life. The month of November invites us to do likewise. December 1st marks the First Sunday of Advent and each subse-quent week is like a “prayer walk” towards Christmas. Blessed Peter Vigne suggests to us a way of praying. May prayer, morning,...