The SUN never ceases telling us :
“I give ou my light to so that you may love
the One who made it and sends it to you”
The STARS sing
“We show the power of God,his inscrutable perfection, infinitely greater than you,
so that you may love him.”
The STORM, thunder and lightening, rain and wind,
each in its own way says :
“Love the one who created you, do not let you life be marked by
harshness or indifference.”
The EARTH and all that it contains is continually telling us
“For you have I been created, love the one who sustains me,
love him who cares for you. Everything I produce is for your benefit.”
Love him who is constantly at work in me, for your good.”
The AIR tells us :
“Without me you could not survive. You do not see me, yet I am right beside you,
within you, in such a way that I fill your entire being.”
He is the one who created me for you. So remember your God in
whom you kive and work and have your being.
FIRE tells us :
“Love is a fire. Love God, his mercy awaits you.
My flames rise up towards hom… Love him.”
WATER says :
“I exist for you. Love the one who loves you. Love him who washes away yours sins.
Go to the spring, flow to the sea of immense beauty, GOD is there.”
The thoughts which we have, the words which we hear
all that is within us and around us proclaims and shouts aloud :
Love your Maker ! LOVE YOUR GOD !
Love your Faher ! Love your Redeemer !
P. Vigne