Présentation of the ‘Reflections today blessed Peter Vigne’
Since Vatican II, the Catholic Church has often revisited the treasure of Eucharistic Spirituality to draw experiences “both old and new” from it. May Fr. Vigne go before us to guide us in the patient search for “the Eucharistic form” of every aspect of Christian life and all ecclesial experiences!
“Reflections today Blessed Peter Vigne” is a monthly publication that was first issued by the Congregation in 1990. In 2012, it became bimestrial. It is an interactive experience of information, prayer and meditation on the life and writings of Peter Vigne and is made available wherever there is a Sacramentine missionary presence in the world.
Each leaflet is made up of four parts:
1) a continuous text, (or a collection of quotations) from Fr. Vigne which respects the language of the 18th Century (French edition);
2) its modernisation in the lives of the baptized, extending into the life of the Church (liturgical year, documents of the Holy See,etc) or of the world;
3) additional historical information on the life and times of Fr. Vigne;
4) a section on News and Information specifically destined to the Congregation (professions, latest news on the Cause for Canonisation, new foundations) or Letters from Readers sharing their thoughts or the graces they received through the intercession of Blessed Peter Vigne.
Spending nearly 25 years immersed in the writings of Father Vigne shows us how relevant and timeless his spiritual insights are. We want to gradually guide “” website visitors to a presentation organised around a series of themes to illustrate the spiritual journeys taken by Father Vigne and his first spiritual daughters.